Friday, April 24, 2009

Can't handle the withdrawl...

Who am I kidding. Really. I'm just going to accept my addiction and move on. At least blogging doesn't have any adverse side affects. Well, except for the carpal tunnel. There's that. Oh, and the brain tumor from the electro-magnetic whatchamacallits being emitted from my computer. But who counts that.

Moving on:

{Oh man, that felt good to get that out there and on my blog... Breathe it in, people, breathe it in. Now don't you feel so much better?}


Grant and Stacy said...

I'm so glad you succumbed to your addiction! I love reading your blogs!

ashley said...

Um, Mom, are you ready to watch these kiddos? Start practicing that deep breathing Lamaze. :)

ashley said...

Kat, Cash looks so much like you as a child in the last picture!

Erin said...

What the heck is Maggie doing, flying? This looks like a shot from The Incredibles or something.

kathryn said...

Ashley, it's funny that you say Cash looks like me in the last pic, because that's his "guilty" look. He had tried jumping over the baby like Maggie was doing (after I had told him NOT to) and he landed on Oscar (hence the crying).

I'm sure I gave that same look plenty of times when I was a youngster.