Tuesday, August 22, 2006

travel log: day one

Friday we picked up ash and her bebe and headed to palmyra for a day of some religiously historical touristing. first stop, hill cumorah. we were chickens and opted to drive up to the top of hill cumorah rather than walk (it was a really steep climb... and c'mon, i'm prego). in fact, it was so steep that my mom was terrified that her little grandbabies would fall off the "edge" and go rollling down the hillside. she screamed any time one of them got within 10 feet of the slope. 10 feet is about how wide the top of the hill is, so she was pretty much freaking out the whole time. here are some pictures of moroni (i should clarify: it is a statue of moroni), and the hillside, and well, they pretty much speak for themselves... enjoy.

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